
Those in Sephiroth's life

The Sage -
The guide.

The Trusty Sidekick (Trusted Helper) –
Right hand man, support, and ear for the hero.

The Nemesis (and the Nemesi) –
The antagonist and those who stand in the way of the hero.

The Love Interest –
Devoted to the hero but unable to be together.

The Adoptive Family –
A place to call home, and usually the reason for the journey.

The Warrior –
Right or wrong, hell or high water, he will fight for the hero.

The Temptress –
Tries to lead the hero astray.

The Innocents –
Who the Hero fights for.

The Nightmare Creature –
Creatures representive of the hero's flaws and insecurities.

The Traitor –
Pretends to be for the hero but is really against them.

The Dreamer –
A reminder of why the hero fights.

The Fool –
Comic relief, also reminds the hero the journey can be accomplished and that it’s for the innocents.

The Rebel –
Knowledgable, skilled, huge ego. In any other story, he'd be the hero.

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