"Captain of the tenth division of the Shinsengumi."

❀ Synopsis

In Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom, you play as a girl (Yukimura) who is looking for her father. However, she finds the Shinsengumi instead. She isn't treated very well at first because she is dressed as a boy and it doesn't get much better when they fight out she's a girl dressed as a boy. Although through the course of the game Yukimura befriends the Shinsengumi members and possibly has a romantic relationship with one of them (Hijikata, Okita, Harada, Saito or Toudou).

While in the Shinsengumi, a deeper plot is discovered when Kazama (also able to have a romantic relationship with) appears. People are being made into Furies, similar to vampires. So it's up to Yukimura and the guys to stop Kazama and stop the war.

Also, besides the fury thing and Yukimura, this game sticks pretty close to history. It's a nice little twist. And it's an M rate otome game~