♰ Further Study: Red Lipstick

what about it

Ah, a study in red. Noelle wears red lipstick and no red in her clothing. This is actually a pet peeve of mine but it doesn't seem to bother me with Noelle. So I want to talk about her red lipstick. Why I think she's wearing it, what's it mean and all that jazz.

Lipstick Colour Meanings: Red

The color red is generally associated with passion, sexuality, sophistication, drama, excitement, and charisma. These traits suit Noelle, she is sophisticated, charismatic, passionate and dresses with some sexuality. Then I think her life has drama and excitement being an AX agent. Red lipstick is also a statement color. I think she might wear it because she is a nun and everyone is the same, all dressed the same. The color meanings suits Noelle as well as it might be her way of standing out. Since red isn't generally worn by nuns and is really only worn by the cardinal (at least in Italy to my understanding).

Source: The Hidden Meanings in Lipstick Colours