♰ Further Study: The Lovers

her arcana

This is all because I saw an offical artwork of Noelle as The Lovers. I thought it was pretty interesting and wanted to include it. A very dear friend of mine gave me some notes of The Lovers and that's what I used on this page....along with my thoughts. More on the relationship details in Love Interest.

Arcana: The Lovers

The Lovers card is the card of harmony and relationships (in general not just romantic). It's centered around commitment. The Lovers shows there are choices to be made that will effect your future. It can also indicate the need to mend a relationship; to establish harmony and balance. Noelle doesn't excatly need to mend a relationship. But she does have a choice to make; tell Abel or keep it to herself. Which she does tell Abel and it ends in rejects but they remain great friends. The Lovers is the wish of getting to know somebody on an inimate level (sexual or not).

It's also question other's opinions or sticking with your standards. A struggle between temptation and choosing right and wrong. An idea of creating something new in a relationship. Noelle is a nun (probably had vows and all that) and she's inlove with Abel. Now does she choose him or not? Does she take her relationship further or not? She does tell him but it doesn't go the way she wants. Though their relatioship changed, it was for the better because they new more about each other.

Though if the card is in reverse, it can indicate relationship issues, poor choices being made and giving into temptation or ignoring problems out of fear of commitment. Ignoring the need to open up to loved ones. This is kind of feel was more Abel but also some of Noelle. Abel, I believe has commitment issues and let Noelle down as easy as he could. Noelle gave in and told him how she felt even though she's a nun. Their relationship was a good one because they are special friends.

Source: Emrys