♰ Further Study: Catholicism

her religion

Noelle is a nun and is referred to as "Sister Noelle" by Sister Esthar and some others. So I wanted to take a look into her job as a nun and a bit on her religion. There are nuns from other religions as well. However, I'm only going over the Catholic nun because that's what Noelle is.

A nun is a member of a religious community of women, typically one living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Noelle is a nun and also an AX agent (pretty much department of foreign affairs). She's also inlove with Father Abel Nightroad. As a nun this isn't really a good thing at all. A nun wouldn't be allowed to have a relationship. So I believe this causes Noelle a lot of stress and the reason she takes so long to tell him how she feels. In the novel, she leave AX due to unrelsoved feelings. This leads me to believe that she never told Abel and possibly decided to stick it out as a nun where she wouldn't see Abel or she just up and left.

A "nun" and a "sister" are often used interchangably, they are also considered different wasys of life. A nun is a religous woman wo lives a cloistered life of mediation and prayer for the salvation of others. While a sister lives in active vocation of both prayer and service, often the needy, ill, poor, and uneducated. I believe Noelle might do both. She is classified as a nun but is called "Sister". So I guess it goes either way. Noelle prays everyday for Abel's safety.

Source: Nun