⚜ Basic: Apperance

What she wears and looks like

Break down of what she wears, how she wears it, along with hair style and all that jazz.

Lulu Lulu has very long black hair. She has her bangs/fringes parted on one side and they cover half of her face. Her hair is done up in a bun with braids and help by four sticks. They look like that could have been gotten in Bevelle rather than Besaid. Top half of her hair is cornrows and the bottom isn't. At the bottom of her braids looks like mulitple beads hold the braids in.

Lulu wears purple makeup and nailpoish. She has a beauty mark on the lower right of her mouth. She also wears quite a bit of jewlery. She has big circle dangling earrinds that are red and some smaller hoops up the side of her ears. Three necklaces, one that looks like white pearls, a red bead and one of circle of purple orbs. On her left hand is a silver ring placed on her middle finger.

Her eyes are red. Sometimes a reddish brown. She besides a one other woman are the only ones in Spira like this. I'm not sure if is rare, or an eye condition (like Yuna's) or possibly even a blood-line thing for mages. And for living on an island, Lulu's skin is rather pale. I don't think she tans. She might actually burn in the sun due to senitive skin. Since she doesn't look like an "outside" type of person. And Lulu seems to have a constant scowl but she smiles sometimes.

Lulu She wears a long black dress that has an open front in the skirt. The front part of the skirt has tons of belts (I can't seem to count how many). I wonder if her skirt ripped and she just replaced it with belts? The skirt hems and sleeves have embroided designs, like half flowers and circles and wings. The top of the dress has fur. A darker colored corset is also worn, it's possibly leather instead of cloth like the rest of her dress. There are also belts on the sleeves, one black the other dark brown. Lulu wears thigh high stockings of fish nets with lace at the top. Her shoes are a mystery bit I assume some type of heeled boots.

It seems odd for a woman to wear such clothing while living on an island. Besaid seem like a sunny place that doesn't get too cold. Unless Lulu is the type that doesn't warm up easy. I think she wears black as mourning colors because she has lost many people. While it also suits her personality, I think wearing a lot of purple would look just as elegant. I'm a little upset that she doesn't get any other cloths. I'd like to see her wearing other things or maybe what she wore when she was younger.