⚜ Symbolism: Gemstone

like shiny

I've picked pearls for her gemstone. She wears what looks like a pearl necklace and her name is Arabic for pearl. Along with Aquamarine, bloodstone and diamonds (because of her crest and sigils). And no, I don't know what I'm doing.


Pearls are generally associated with brides and wearing them after can bring tears and sadness. Well Lulu still wears her necklace after she is married. I don't think she gave into the tears and sadness unless it's foreshadowing some future plot.

Pearls are know for many things. They are used as symbols and wards of protection (against sharks). Wisdom, wealth, faith, knowledge and innocence. Lulu is very knowledgable about her world and is one of the few people to actually question Yevon but she does it in a way that doesn't seem like she's really a heathen or being blasphmeus. She's also very wise byond her years. Really I don't think a lot of people have been through so much death at that age. Death gives you new insights and makes you wonder more. Lulu still has her faith, it's not wavering, she just asks more questions. And she has great faith in her friends. As for wealth, she is more wealthy in friends and love than money.

Wearing pearls against the skin gives off a vibraion that has healing properties. I think might be why even though Lulu has has a tough life, she still looks young and has nice skin. She doesn't look haggard or tired. She looks pretty and elegant.

Also Associated with the ministry, wisdom through experience, this stone is thought to quicken the law of karma and bring engagements and love relationships. How I understand this is that through the experiences that she has had in her next life she will be luckier in love. She has been through all kinds of experiences and more or less learned from them and can go on. I think her next life will be a good one filled with happiness.


Aquamarine can do quite a bit and is very popular with sailors because it's supposed to protect thim at sea. Lulu lives on an island and it would make sense to have some aquamarine because of the sea travel. With blitzball tournaments and pilgramages she would have to cross water.

"Aquamarines can encourage spiritual growth, increase honesty, dynamism, unyielding nature and success factors, coupled with cheerfulness and regularity. In addition it is believe to purify the mind and offer solutions to problems that have not been completed." Lulu is quite unyielding unless it comes to Yuna. And she is blunt to a fault, she says it how it is. I feel if she were to wear an aquamarine it would look great on her and maybe give her some type of extra understanding. Maybe calming down, even though she is pretty calm, but I mean more for not getting so snappy. She's got her reasons but they aren't anyone's fault.

"For those who undergo and have dreams of love, Aquamarine has an aura of love that brings optimism. As a helper in relieving depression and sadness, revive the love of an old married couple and help gain new friends for being lonely." See? An aquamarine looks like it would be some good help with Lulu. She doesn't seem all that optimistic. And she is sad and depressed over the loss of loved ones. She even gained new friends in her lonely state. I think she might actually have a gem tucked away. I think Lulu having people she can count on is good, she can talk to them and maybe sort her feelings out. I guess she does argue with Wakka like an old married couple but honestly her marring him came out at left field. I'm not sure Lulu is still the romantic type after Chappu but that doesn't mean she doesn't want a happy ending.


Bloodstone is another gemstone for March. It's gem for courage and wisdom, and said to be able to stop all types of bleeding. Since Lulu doesn't know any white mage (when you get her) having a bloodstone on hand would be helpful. To on on pilgramages would take courage and wisdom. Wisdome to know right from wrong and the courage to do the right thing. A lot of people in Spira know right from wrong but still do bad things because well they can get away with it. And that isn't right. Lulu and the group defend themselves from Seymour because they do want to take him to trial for his crimes but a fight breaks out and the group kills him. I find it self defense but the group is still found guilty and through in prison. I think a bloodstone is what Spira need that and someone to smack the maestors. Anyway, Lulu is quite wise and knows a lot about Spira's inner workings. She also continues on pilgramages even though she knows what they mean, she still trusts even though she can be hurt. I find her to be very courageous and wise.


Diamonds are said to be a girls best friend but honestly, I'm not too fond of them myself. I find them over played along with red roses but that's another story. Diamonds are associated with "innocence, virtue, success, conjugal affection, unshakeable faith, and is thought to remove evil thoughts." At a time she was all of those things but after losing Lady Ginnem and Chappu, I think she started thinking about somethings. While she believes in Yevon, she doesn't believe in him as much. She openly questions him. While she still has virtue and success the rest of it not so much. Virtue from going with Yuna to do the right thing (even hepling Tidus is his alternate plan so no one dies). And succes because they actually pulled the plan off. And her life gets better too, she gets marries and has a child. That's considered successful for some women.

"Once used as an amulet to protect a person from the plague, pestilence, and the Evil Eye, it was also believed to drive away madness, wild beasts, demons, and devils. Losing a diamond was considered an omen of bad luck." Hmm, I might just be a fan of diamonds now. Other than the enemy encounter rate being really bad sometimes, I think a diamond might help Lulu keep the beast away with that. And strangely enough no diamond accesories ever permit "No Encounters". Considering Lulu's life (or at least what we know about it) she could have lost a diamond. Since it's consider a bad omen and she has lost a few people. Not saying that a lost diamond is the cause for all her problems. It's just she seems to have slightly bad luck but she is pretty healthy.

Source: Aquamarine Stone Meaning, Gemstones