❀ Fashion Sense

So classy

Sage has a very classy and formal sense of fashion. He is generally seen in slacks and nice shirts. Let's analyize his clothes. Because that won't cause any harm what so ever. (Sorry, honey, I don't mean offense. I love you.)

Outfit 1 Here we have Sage sporting slacks, a yellow t-shirt (without MILKBALL print) and a dark blue blazer. There is no green in this outfit. Absolutly none. Unlike most who wear green outside the armor (Green Ranger and Sailor Jupiter), he doesn't. He is a rebel! Look at him wearing western clothes and leaning up on that wall. Total rebel and I don't think he even has a cause. As for his shoe that are not shown in the image, I believe they were nice dress shoes. You know like the ones your mom would make your dad or brother or uncle or grandpa wear to nice events when tennis shoes just don't cut it, or the ones your girlfriend makes you wear or the ones you make your boyfriend wear. You know, those nice ones but they aren't too fancy. Just nice enough to show off that aren't "Look at me, I'm so popular." Definitely not the ones you would wear to spite an ex. Just nice ones that let your parent's know that you're doing okay.

Outfit 2 This is also worn during the main series at the end. He has a letter jacket with the number "03" sleeve and an "S" on the front. A plain green shirt (there we go, wearign the color outside the armor). Some dark pants, I think they are supposed to be jeans. Maybe? And some shoes that are green and white. Honestly, I don't know what he is going for here other than matching with his friends. Really they are all wearing similar outfits. But it's cool cause it just happened. Not like they coordinated before they left the house or anything......Guys can match without anything happening. Too bad the same can't really be said for the ladies. Of course this isn't directed at all ladies or gents. Sometimes dressing a like can cause problems but I think it's cute when friends (and couples) dress to match. Anyway, this outfit is very sporty and looks comfy, it's totally the outfit to wear while playing baseball in the street. Just watch out for cars.

Outfit 3 Sage wears this outfit in two of the three OVAs, Gaiden and Kikoutei (Legend of the Inferno Armor). Khakis with a white button up and a belt and those shoes I was going on about with outfit 1. Very formal for a 14 or 16 year old. Like I don't know any kids that age dressing like that anymore unless they are forced into a private school or are possibly Mormon. Still it's rare. Sage is a rebel, a tradtional Japanese boy wear western formal-casual wear. I mean really. Makes me happy though because his pants aren't around his knees. I can't imagine any of the guys doing that though. Much to awesome for that. Not even the Warlords, I think Cale would kill them if they tried. Though in Gaiden he was supposed to be working, so a nice outfit would explain that. But in Kikoutei not so much cause it's during the summer (I think) and for the majority of the time he was in his armor over in Africa. He doesn't wear this outfit much actually. Make a few shots at the ending of both because he is generally seen in his sub armor of his full armor. I guess it's just something to wear. He gets even fancier in Message which is the next outfit. He just keeps on getting classier and classier. Makes me wonder what he wears as an adult. Does he still dress fancy?

Outfit 4 He still dresses very nice! This time though it's closer to a three piece suit. Green blazer (finally), yellow button up, a purple thingy, I belive his pants are a white/cream color of slacks. And his shoes are also nice like in outfit 1 and 3. Might also be the same ones. I can't wrap my head over this, for a 17 year old, he dresses so classy. And after catching up on Sailor Moon yesterday, I didn't think anyone else dressed like this. BUT I WAS WRONG. Chiba Mamoru from Sailor Moon also dresses very nice. You guys remember the gray slacks, green blazer and black shirt? That's almost like Sage's outfit 1. They dress alike! I bet they go to the same clothing stores! Wait a minute! I'm having a thought, maybe Mamoru is Yulie's son! Both black hair and hang out with mystical armor wearing cool people. Ingore the last names unless Yulie took his wife's last name (rare but possible). But that means Yulie died in a car crash and that makes me sad. So anyway back to Sage's classy dressing. I think he is rebeling against his tradtion Japanese family by wearing these. Though while training he wears a white kimono with hakama.

Outfit 5 Here we have Sage in his natural habitat. Meditating by a waterfall unknowingly being watched. He is just sitting there thinking. Just doing Sage stuff. Oh, he is wearing a white kimono and hakama. He also has a sword (pretty sure it's a nodachi) laying infront of him. I think he is really thinking about bear stuff, like Anubis generally does. Even in traditional Japanese wear he looks classy! Or I could just be really bias. Sure he doesn't wear this often and I would like to see him in more kimono/hakama type outfits, just because he looks so good them. I don't mind the western stuff of course but I think that's why I prefer the eastern look. Because I rarely get to see him in it.

How To Dress Like Sage

Wear classy clothes. Like button up (or downs), slacks and nice shoes. Remember for the shoes its the "Let you're parents know your okay" and not the "spite your ex". Small difference but I know you'll do great. Or slacks, blazers and blank t-shirts. That's pretty much it. Oh and wear a belt even if you don't need it. Helps look classy. Have fun!