❀ Look A Likes

Name twins or look a likes

Not a lot here but there is something....rather someone. If you know of any, feel free to tell me.

Sage and Arc

Sage from Ronin Warriors and Arc from Puchi Puri Yuushi. Both are blondes with a strange hair cut. Though their personailities are like 180 from each other. Sage looks older, so maybe when Arc gets older they might look more alike. (I might possibly be grasping at straws.)

Sage and Matt

Sage from Ronin Warriors and Matt from Digimon. Both are blondes with a strange hair cut, I think it also defies gravity. They also wear green (of course I picked an image wear Sage isn't wearing green) and are the mature guys. The cool, aloof, heartthrobs. Also classy dressers. I think we need more popped collars. Sage and Matt both play/have an interest in wind instruments, Sage likes the bamboo flute and Matt has the harmonica (later a guitar but I think he still has that harmonica). Much thanks to Neo for pointing this one out.