Yurick and Mirania

Yurick Yurick is a younger member too, I believe younger than Mirania. He uses fire magic and daggers. He also has a secret under that eye patch that Dagran doesn't know about. Which later comes in rather handy. For the most part Yurick and Dagran trust each other. Yurick is to Zael as Zael is to Dagran. A little brother, some one to protect and show the way. On missions Dagran generally sends Yurick with Zael. There isn't much interaction between Dagran and Yurick because of this. With Yurick trust is very hard to earn. He had it hard growing up like the rest of them. There is a mission you can do that explains more of his past. Really wish they had more interaction but that might have changed too much later on.

Mirania Mirania is one of the younger members of the group. She is a magic user who uses forest arts. Meaning she can heal, she's like a white mage. She's soft spoken but I'm pretty sure you don't want to upset her. Dagran trusts her but there is little interaction shown between them. He does allow her off of the ship but only if she has an escort. And when the monster attacks in that chapter Dagran is pissed and commands Zael on what to do during the battle. I would have liked to see more intaction between the two. They turst each other and that's about that.